
vectorize(xds: Union[str, xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray, xarray.core.dataset.Dataset,], values: Union[None, int, list] = None, keep_values: bool = True, dissolve: bool = False, default_nodata: int = 0) geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame[source]

Vectorize a xarray to get the class vectors.

If dissolved is False, it returns a GeoDataFrame with a GeoSeries per cluster of pixel value, with the value as an attribute. Else it returns a GeoDataFrame with a unique polygon.


  • Your data is casted by force into np.uint8, so be sure that your data is classified.

  • This could take a while as the computing time directly depends on the number of polygons to vectorize.

    Please be careful.

>>> raster_path = "path\to\raster.tif"
>>> vec1 = vectorize(raster_path)
>>> # or
>>> with as dst:
>>>     vec2 = vectorize(dst)
>>> vec1 == vec2
  • xds (PATH_XARR_DS) – Path to the raster or a rasterio dataset or a xarray

  • values (Union[None, int, list]) – Get only the polygons concerning this/these particular values

  • keep_values (bool) – Keep the passed values. If False, discard them and keep the others.

  • dissolve (bool) – Dissolve all the polygons into one unique. Only works if values are given.

  • default_nodata (int) – Default values for nodata in case of non existing in file


Classes Vector

Return type
