read(dst: Union[str, tuple,], resolution: Union[tuple, list, float] = None, size: Union[tuple, list] = None, resampling: rasterio.enums.Resampling = Resampling.nearest, masked: bool = True, **kwargs) -> (<class ''>, <class 'dict'>)[source]

Read a raster dataset from a rasterio.Dataset or a path.

The resolution can be provided (in dataset unit) as:

  • a tuple or a list of (X, Y) resolutions

  • a float, in which case X resolution = Y resolution

  • None, in which case the dataset resolution will be used

Tip: Use index with a list of one element to keep a 3D array

>>> raster_path = "path\to\raster.tif"
>>> raster1, meta1 = read(raster_path)
>>> # or
>>> with as dst:
>>>    raster2, meta2 = read(dst)
>>> raster1 == raster2
>>> meta1 == meta2
  • dst (PATH_ARR_DS) – Path to the raster, its dataset, its xarray or a tuple containing its array and metadata

  • resolution (Union[tuple, list, float]) – Resolution of the wanted band, in dataset resolution unit (X, Y)

  • size (Union[tuple, list]) – Size of the array (width, height). Not used if resolution is provided.

  • resampling (Resampling) – Resampling method (nearest by default)

  • masked (bool) – Get a masked array, True by default (whereas it is False by default in rasterio)

  • **kwargs – Other arguments such as indexes.


Masked array corresponding to the raster data and its meta data

Return type, dict