Source code for sertit.files

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2024, SERTIT-ICube - France,
# This file is part of sertit-utils project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""" Tools for paths and files """

import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile
import zipfile
from datetime import date, datetime
from enum import Enum
from json import JSONDecoder, JSONEncoder
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Union

import dill
import numpy as np
from lxml import etree, html
from tqdm import tqdm

from sertit import AnyPath, logs, path
from sertit.logs import SU_NAME
from sertit.types import AnyPathStrType, AnyPathType

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(SU_NAME)

[docs] def get_root_path() -> AnyPathType: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Get the root path of the current disk: - On Linux this returns :code:`/` - On Windows this returns :code:`C:/` or whatever the current drive is Example: >>> get_root_path() "/" on Linux "C:/" on Windows (if you run this code from the C: drive) """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.get_root_path()
[docs] def listdir_abspath(directory: AnyPathStrType) -> list: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Get absolute path of all files in the given directory. It is the same function than :code:`os.listdir` but returning absolute paths. Args: directory (AnyPathStrType): Relative or absolute path to the directory to be scanned Returns: str: Absolute path of all files in the given directory Example: >>> folder = "." >>> listdir_abspath(folder) ['D:/_SERTIT_UTILS/sertit-utils/sertit/', 'D:/_SERTIT_UTILS/sertit-utils/sertit/', 'D:/_SERTIT_UTILS/sertit-utils/sertit/', 'D:/_SERTIT_UTILS/sertit-utils/sertit/', 'D:/_SERTIT_UTILS/sertit-utils/sertit/', 'D:/_SERTIT_UTILS/sertit-utils/sertit/', 'D:/_SERTIT_UTILS/sertit-utils/sertit/', 'D:/_SERTIT_UTILS/sertit-utils/sertit/', 'D:/_SERTIT_UTILS/sertit-utils/sertit/'] """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.listdir_abspath(directory)
[docs] def to_abspath( raw_path: AnyPathStrType, create: bool = True, raise_file_not_found: bool = True, ) -> AnyPathType: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Return the absolute path of the specified path and check if it exists If not: - If it is a file (aka has an extension), it raises an exception - If it is a folder, it creates it To be used with argparse to retrieve the absolute path of a file, like: Args: raw_path (AnyPathStrType): Path as a string (relative or absolute) create (bool): Create directory if not existing Returns: AnyPathType: Absolute path Example: >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() >>> # Add config file path key >>> parser.add_argument( >>> "--config", >>> help="Config file path (absolute or relative)", >>> type=to_abspath >>> ) """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.to_abspath(raw_path, create, raise_file_not_found)
[docs] def real_rel_path(raw_path: AnyPathStrType, start: AnyPathStrType) -> AnyPathType: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Gives the real relative path from a starting folder. (and not just adding :code:`../..` between the start and the target) Args: raw_path (AnyPathStrType): Path to make relative start (AnyPathStrType): Start, the path being relative from this folder. Returns: Relative path Example: >>> path = r'D:/_SERTIT_UTILS/sertit-utils/sertit' >>> start = os.path.join(".", "..", "..") >>> real_rel_path(path, start) 'sertit-utils/sertit' """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.real_rel_path(raw_path, start)
[docs] def extract_file( file_path: AnyPathStrType, output: AnyPathStrType, overwrite: bool = False, ) -> AnyPathType: """ Extract an archived file (zip or others). Overwrites if specified. If the archive don't contain a root directory with the name of the archive without the extension, create it Args: file_path (str): Archive file path output (str): Output where to put the extracted directory overwrite (bool): Overwrite found extracted directory Returns: AnyPathType: Extracted directory paths Example: >>> file_path = 'D:/path/to/' >>> output = 'D:/path/to/output' >>> extract_file(file_path, output, overwrite=True) D:/path/to/output/zip' """ # Convert to path file_path = AnyPath(file_path) output = AnyPath(output) # In case a folder is given, returns it (this means that the file is already extracted) if file_path.is_dir(): return file_path # Beware with .SEN3 and .SAFE extensions archive_output = output.joinpath(path.get_filename(file_path)) # In case not overwrite and the extracted directory already exists if not overwrite and archive_output.exists(): LOGGER.debug( "Already existing extracted %s. It won't be overwritten.", archive_output, ) return archive_output def extract_sub_dir(arch, filename_list): top_level_files = list({item.split("/")[0] for item in filename_list}) # When the only root directory in the archive has the right name, we don't have to create it if len(top_level_files) == 1 and == path.get_filename( top_level_files[0] ): arch.extractall(archive_output.parent) archive_output.parent.joinpath(top_level_files[0]).rename(archive_output) else: arch.extractall(archive_output) # Manage archive type if file_path.suffix == ".zip": with zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, "r") as zip_file: extract_sub_dir(zip_file, zip_file.namelist()) elif file_path.suffix == ".tar" or file_path.suffixes == [".tar", ".gz"]: with, "r") as tar_file: extract_sub_dir(tar_file, tar_file.getnames()) elif file_path.suffix == ".7z": try: import py7zr with py7zr.SevenZipFile(file_path, "r") as z7_file: extract_sub_dir(z7_file, z7_file.getnames()) except ModuleNotFoundError: raise TypeError("Please install 'py7zr' to extract .7z files") else: raise TypeError( f"Only .zip, .tar, .tar.gz and .7z files can be extracted, not {file_path}" ) return archive_output
[docs] def extract_files( archives: list, output: AnyPathStrType, overwrite: bool = False ) -> list: """ Extract all archived files. Overwrites if specified. Example: >>> file_path = ['D:/path/to/', 'D:/path/to/'] >>> output = 'D:/path/to/output' >>> extract_files(file_path, output, overwrite=True) ['D:/path/to/output.zip1', 'D:/path/to/output.zip2'] Args: archives (list of str): List of archives to be extracted output (str): Output folder where extracted files will be written overwrite (bool): Overwrite found extracted files Returns: list: Extracted files (even pre-existing ones) """"Extracting products in %s", output) progress_bar = tqdm(archives) extracts = [] for arch in progress_bar: progress_bar.set_description(f"Extracting product {os.path.basename(arch)}") extracts.append(extract_file(arch, output, overwrite)) return extracts
[docs] def get_archived_file_list(archive_path: AnyPathStrType) -> list: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Get the list of all the files contained in an archive. Args: archive_path (AnyPathStrType): Archive path Returns: list: All files contained in the given archive Example: >>> arch_path = 'D:/path/to/' >>> get_archived_file_list(arch_path, file_regex) ['file_1.txt', 'file_2.tif', 'file_3.xml', 'file_4.geojson'] """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.get_archived_file_list(archive_path)
[docs] def get_archived_path( archive_path: AnyPathStrType, file_regex: str, as_list: bool = False ) -> Union[list, AnyPathType]: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Get archived file path from inside the archive. .. WARNING:: If :code:`as_list` is :code:`False`, it will only return the first file matched ! You can use this `site <>`_ to build your regex. Example: >>> arch_path = 'D:/path/to/' >>> file_regex = '.*dir.*file_name' # Use .* for any character >>> path = get_archived_path(arch_path, file_regex) 'dir/filename.tif' Args: archive_path (AnyPathStrType): Archive path file_regex (str): File regex (used by re) as it can be found in the getmembers() list as_list (bool): If true, returns a list (including all found files). If false, returns only the first match Returns: Union[list, str]: Path from inside the zipfile """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.get_archived_path(archive_path, file_regex, as_list)
[docs] def get_archived_rio_path( archive_path: AnyPathStrType, file_regex: str, as_list: bool = False ) -> Union[list, AnyPathType]: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Get archived file path from inside the archive, to be read with rasterio: - :code:`zip+file://{zip_path}!{file_name}` - :code:`tar+file://{tar_path}!{file_name}` See `here <>`_ for more information. .. WARNING:: It won't be readable by pandas, geopandas or xmltree ! .. WARNING:: If :code:`as_list` is :code:`False`, it will only return the first file matched ! You can use this `site <>`_ to build your regex. Args: archive_path (AnyPathStrType): Archive path file_regex (str): File regex (used by re) as it can be found in the getmembers() list as_list (bool): If true, returns a list (including all found files). If false, returns only the first match Returns: Union[list, str]: Band path that can be read by rasterio Example: >>> arch_path = 'D:/path/to/' >>> file_regex = '.*dir.*file_name' # Use .* for any character >>> path = get_archived_tif_path(arch_path, file_regex) 'zip+file://D:/path/to/!dir/filename.tif' >>> <open DatasetReader name='zip+file://D:/path/to/!dir/filename.tif' mode='r'> """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.get_archived_rio_path(archive_path, file_regex, as_list)
[docs] def read_archived_file(archive_path: AnyPathStrType, regex: str) -> bytes: """ Read archived file (in bytes) from :code:`zip` or :code:`tar` archives. You can use this `site <>`_ to build your regex. Args: archive_path (AnyPathStrType): Archive path regex (str): Regex (used by re) as it can be found in the getmembers() list Returns: bytes: Archived file in bytes """ archive_path = AnyPath(archive_path) # Compile regex regex = re.compile(regex) # Open tar and zip XML try: if archive_path.suffix == ".tar": with as tar_ds: tar_mb = tar_ds.getmembers() name_list = [ for mb in tar_mb] band_name = list(filter(regex.match, name_list))[0] tarinfo = [mb for mb in tar_mb if == band_name][0] file_str = tar_ds.extractfile(tarinfo).read() elif archive_path.suffix == ".zip": with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path) as zip_ds: name_list = [f.filename for f in zip_ds.filelist] band_name = list(filter(regex.match, name_list))[0] file_str = elif archive_path.suffix == ".tar.gz": raise TypeError( ".tar.gz files are too slow to read from inside the archive. Please extract them instead." ) else: raise TypeError( "Only .zip and .tar files can be read from inside its archive." ) except IndexError: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Impossible to find file {regex} in {path.get_filename(archive_path)}" ) return file_str
[docs] def read_archived_xml(archive_path: AnyPathStrType, xml_regex: str) -> etree._Element: """ Read archived XML from :code:`zip` or :code:`tar` archives. You can use this `site <>`_ to build your regex. Args: archive_path (AnyPathStrType): Archive path xml_regex (str): XML regex (used by re) as it can be found in the getmembers() list Returns: etree._Element: XML file Example: >>> arch_path = 'D:/path/to/' >>> file_regex = '.*dir.*file_name' # Use .* for any character >>> read_archived_xml(arch_path, file_regex) <Element LANDSAT_METADATA_FILE at 0x1c90007f8c8> """ xml_bytes = read_archived_file(archive_path, xml_regex) return etree.fromstring(xml_bytes)
[docs] def read_archived_html(archive_path: AnyPathStrType, regex: str) -> html.HtmlElement: """ Read archived HTML from :code:`zip` or :code:`tar` archives. You can use this `site <>`_ to build your regex. Args: archive_path (AnyPathStrType): Archive path regex (str): HTML regex (used by re) as it can be found in the getmembers() list Returns: html._Element: HTML file Example: >>> arch_path = 'D:/path/to/' >>> file_regex = '.*dir.*file_name' # Use .* for any character >>> read_archived_html(arch_path, file_regex) <Element html at 0x1c90007f8c8> """ html_bytes = read_archived_file(archive_path, regex) return html.fromstring(html_bytes)
[docs] def archive( folder_path: AnyPathStrType, archive_path: AnyPathStrType, fmt: str = "zip", ) -> AnyPathType: """ Archives a folder recursively. Args: folder_path (AnyPathStrType): Folder to archive archive_path (AnyPathStrType): Archive path, with or without extension fmt (str): Format of the archive, used by :code:`shutil.make_archive`. Choose between [zip, tar, gztar, bztar, xztar] Returns: str: Archive filename Example: >>> folder_path = 'D:/path/to/folder_to_archive' >>> archive_path = 'D:/path/to/output' >>> archive = archive(folder_path, archive_path, fmt="gztar") 'D:/path/to/output/folder_to_archive.tar.gz' """ archive_path = AnyPath(archive_path) folder_path = AnyPath(folder_path) tmp_dir = None if path.is_cloud_path(folder_path): tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() folder_path = folder_path.download_to( # Shutil make_archive needs a path without extension archive_base = os.path.splitext(archive_path)[0] # Archive the folder archive_fn = shutil.make_archive( archive_base, format=fmt, root_dir=folder_path.parent,, ) if tmp_dir is not None: tmp_dir.cleanup() return AnyPath(archive_fn)
[docs] def add_to_zip( zip_path: AnyPathStrType, dirs_to_add: Union[list, AnyPathStrType], ) -> AnyPathType: """ Add folders to an already existing zip file (recursively). Args: zip_path (AnyPathStrType): Already existing zip file dirs_to_add (Union[list, AnyPathStrType]): Directories to add Returns: AnyPathType: Updated zip_path Example: >>> zip_path = 'D:/path/to/' >>> dirs_to_add = ['D:/path/to/dir1', 'D:/path/to/dir2'] >>> add_to_zip(zip_path, dirs_to_add) contains 2 more folders, dir1 and dir2 """ zip_path = AnyPath(zip_path) # If the zip is on the cloud, cache it (zipfile doesn't like cloud paths) if path.is_cloud_path(zip_path): zip_path = AnyPath(zip_path.fspath) # Check if existing zipfile if not zip_path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Non existing {zip_path}") # Convert to list if needed if not isinstance(dirs_to_add, list): dirs_to_add = [dirs_to_add] # Add all folders to the existing zip # Forced to use ZipFile because make_archive only works with one folder and not existing zipfile with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "a") as zip_file: progress_bar = tqdm(dirs_to_add) for dir_to_add_path in progress_bar: # Just to be sure, use str instead of Paths if isinstance(dir_to_add_path, Path): dir_to_add = str(dir_to_add_path) elif path.is_cloud_path(dir_to_add_path): dir_to_add = dir_to_add_path.fspath else: dir_to_add = dir_to_add_path progress_bar.set_description( f"Adding {os.path.basename(dir_to_add)} to {os.path.basename(zip_path)}" ) tmp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() if os.path.isfile(dir_to_add): dir_to_add = extract_file(dir_to_add, for root, _, files in os.walk(dir_to_add): base_path = os.path.join(dir_to_add, "..") # Write dir (in namelist at least) zip_file.write(root, os.path.relpath(root, base_path)) # Write files for file in files: zip_file.write( os.path.join(root, file), os.path.relpath( os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(dir_to_add, "..") ), ) # Clean tmp tmp.cleanup() return zip_path
[docs] def get_filename(file_path: AnyPathStrType, other_exts: Union[list, str] = None) -> str: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Get file name (without extension) from file path, i.e.: Args: file_path (AnyPathStrType): Absolute or relative file path (the file doesn't need to exist) other_exts (Union[list, str]): Other double extensions to discard Returns: str: File name (without extension) Example: >>> file_path = 'D:/path/to/' >>> get_file_name(file_path) 'filename' """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.get_filename(file_path, other_exts)
[docs] def get_ext(file_path: AnyPathStrType) -> str: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Get file extension from file path. .. WARNING:: Extension is given WITHOUT THE FIRST POINT Args: file_path (AnyPathStrType): Absolute or relative file path (the file doesn't need to exist) Returns: str: File name (without extension) Example: >>> file_path = 'D:/path/to/' >>> get_ext(file_path) 'zip' """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.get_ext(file_path)
[docs] def remove(path: AnyPathStrType) -> None: """ Deletes a file or a directory (recursively) using :code:`shutil.rmtree` or :code:`os.remove`. Args: path (AnyPathStrType): Path to be removed Example: >>> path_to_remove = 'D:/path/to/remove' # Could also be a file >>> remove(path_to_remove) path_to_remove deleted """ path = AnyPath(path) if not path.exists(): LOGGER.debug("Non existing %s", path) elif path.is_dir(): try: shutil.rmtree(path) except OSError: LOGGER.debug("Impossible to remove the directory %s", path, exc_info=True) elif path.is_file(): try: path.unlink() except OSError: LOGGER.debug("Impossible to remove the file %s", path, exc_info=True)
[docs] def remove_by_pattern( directory: AnyPathStrType, name_with_wildcard: str = "*", extension: str = None, ) -> None: """ Remove files corresponding to a pattern from a directory. Args: directory (AnyPathStrType): Directory where to find the files name_with_wildcard (str): Filename (wildcards accepted) extension (str): Extension wanted, optional. With or without point. (yaml or .yaml accepted) Example: >>> directory = 'D:/path/to/folder' >>> os.listdir(directory) ["huhu.exe", "blabla.geojson", "haha.txt", "blabla"] >>> >>> remove(directory, "blabla*") >>> os.listdir(directory) ["huhu.exe", "haha.txt"] # Removes also directories >>> >>> remove(directory, "*", extension="txt") >>> os.listdir(directory) ["huhu.exe"] """ directory = AnyPath(directory) if extension and not extension.startswith("."): extension = "." + extension file_list = directory.glob(name_with_wildcard + extension) for file in file_list: remove(file)
[docs] def copy(src: AnyPathStrType, dst: AnyPathStrType) -> AnyPathType: """ Copy a file or a directory (recursively) with :code:`copytree` or :code:`copy2`. Args: src (AnyPathStrType): Source Path dst (AnyPathStrType): Destination Path (file or folder) Returns: AnyPathType: New path Examples: >>> src = 'D:/path/to/copy' >>> dst = 'D:/path/to/output' >>> copy(src, dst) copydir 'D:/path/to/output/copy' >>> src = 'D:/path/to/copy.txt' >>> dst = 'D:/path/to/output/huhu.txt' >>> copyfile = copy(src, dst) 'D:/path/to/output/huhu.txt' but with the content of copy.txt """ src = AnyPath(src) if path.is_cloud_path(src): out = src.download_to(dst) else: out = None try: if src.is_dir(): out = AnyPath(shutil.copytree(src, dst)) elif os.path.isfile(src): out = AnyPath(shutil.copy2(src, dst)) except shutil.Error: LOGGER.debug("Error in copy!", exc_info=True) out = src # eg. source or destination doesn't exist except IOError as ex: raise IOError(f"Copy error: {ex.strerror}") from ex return out
[docs] def find_files( names: Union[list, str], root_paths: Union[list, AnyPathStrType], max_nof_files: int = -1, get_as_str: bool = False, ) -> Union[list, str]: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Returns matching files recursively from a list of root paths. Regex are allowed (using glob) Args: names (Union[list, str]): File names. root_paths (Union[list, str]): Root paths max_nof_files (int): Maximum number of files (set to -1 for unlimited) get_as_str (bool): if only one file is found, it can be retrieved as a string instead of a list Returns: list: File name Examples: >>> root_path = 'D:/root' >>> dir1_path = 'D:/root/dir1' >>> dir2_path = 'D:/root/dir2' >>> >>> os.listdir(dir1_path) ["haha.txt", "huhu.txt", "hoho.txt"] >>> os.listdir(dir2_path) ["huhu.txt", "hehe.txt"] >>> >>> find_files("huhu.txt", root_path) ['D:/root/dir1/huhu.txt', 'D:/root/dir2/huhu.txt'] >>> >>> find_files("huhu.txt", root_path, max_nof_files=1) ['D:/root/dir1/huhu.txt'] >>> find_files("huhu.txt", root_path, max_nof_files=1, get_as_str=True) found = 'D:/root/dir1/huhu.txt' """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.find_files(names, root_paths, max_nof_files, get_as_str)
# subclass JSONDecoder
[docs] class CustomDecoder(JSONDecoder): """Decoder for JSON with methods for datetimes""" # pylint: disable=W0221 # Override the default method def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.object_hook, *args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=E0202, R0201 # - An attribute defined in json.decoder line 319 hides this method (method-hidden) # - Method could be a function (no-self-use)
[docs] def object_hook(self, obj: Any): """ Overload of object_hook function that deals with :code:`datetime.datetime` Args: obj (dict): Dict containing objects to decode from JSON Returns: dict: Dict with decoded object """ for key, val in obj.items(): if isinstance(val, str): try: # Date -> Encoder saves dates as isoformat obj[key] = date.fromisoformat(val) except ValueError: try: # Datetime -> Encoder saves datetimes as isoformat obj[key] = datetime.fromisoformat(val) except ValueError: obj[key] = val else: obj[key] = val return obj
# subclass JSONEncoder
[docs] class CustomEncoder(JSONEncoder): """Encoder for JSON with methods for datetimes and np.int64""" # pylint: disable=W0221
[docs] def default(self, obj): """Overload of the default method""" if isinstance(obj, (date, datetime)): out = obj.isoformat() elif isinstance(obj, (np.int64, np.int32)): out = int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Enum): out = obj.value elif isinstance(obj, set): out = str(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Path) or path.is_cloud_path(obj): out = str(obj) else: out = json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) return out
[docs] def read_json(json_file: AnyPathStrType, print_file: bool = True) -> dict: """ Read a JSON file Args: json_file (AnyPathStrType): Path to JSON file print_file (bool): Print the configuration file Returns: dict: JSON data Example: >>> json_path = 'D:/path/to/json.json' >>> read_json(json_path, print_file=False) {"A": 1, "B": 2} """ with open(json_file) as file: data = json.load(file, cls=CustomDecoder) if print_file: LOGGER.debug( "Configuration file %s contains:\n%s", json_file, json.dumps(data, indent=3, cls=CustomEncoder), ) return data
[docs] def save_json(json_dict: dict, output_json: AnyPathStrType, **kwargs) -> None: """ .. versionchanged:: 1.32.0 The order of the function has changed. Please set json_dict in first! Save a JSON file, with datetime, numpy types and Enum management. Args: json_dict (dict): Json dictionary output_json (AnyPathStrType): Output file **kwargs: Other arguments Example: >>> output_json = 'D:/path/to/json.json' >>> json_dict = {"A": np.int64(1), "B":, "C": SomeEnum.some_name} >>> save_json(output_json, json_dict) """ if isinstance(output_json, dict): # Old order. Swap the variables. logs.deprecation_warning( "The order of the function has changed. Please set json_dict in first!" ) tmp = output_json output_json = json_dict json_dict = tmp kwargs["indent"] = kwargs.get("indent", 3) kwargs["cls"] = kwargs.get("cls", CustomEncoder) with open(output_json, "w") as output_file: json.dump(json_dict, output_file, **kwargs)
[docs] def save_obj(obj: Any, path: AnyPathStrType, **kwargs) -> None: """ Save an object as a pickle (can save any Python objects). Args: obj (Any): Any object serializable path (AnyPathStrType): Path where to write the pickle Example: >>> output_pkl = 'D:/path/to/pickle.pkl' >>> pkl_dict = {"A": np.ones([3, 3]), "B":, "C": SomeEnum.some_name} >>> save_json(output_pkl, pkl_dict) """ with open(path, "wb+") as file: dill.dump(obj, file, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_obj(path: AnyPathStrType) -> Any: """ Load a pickled object. Args: path (AnyPathStrType): Path of the pickle Returns: object (Any): Pickled object Example: >>> output_pkl = 'D:/path/to/pickle.pkl' >>> load_obj(output_pkl) {"A": np.ones([3, 3]), "B":, "C": SomeEnum.some_name} """ with open(path, "rb") as file: return dill.load(file)
# too many arguments # pylint: disable=R0913
[docs] def get_file_in_dir( directory: AnyPathStrType, pattern_str: str, extension: str = None, filename_only: bool = False, get_list: bool = False, exact_name: bool = False, ) -> Union[AnyPathType, list]: """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Get one or all matching files (pattern + extension) from inside a directory. Note that the pattern is a regex with glob's convention, i.e. :code:`*pattern*`. If :code:`exact_name` is :code:`False`, the searched pattern will be :code:`*{pattern}*.{extension}`, else :code:`{pattern}.{extension}`. Args: directory (str): Directory where to find the files pattern_str (str): Pattern wanted as a string, with glob's convention. extension (str): Extension wanted, optional. With or without point. (:code:`yaml` or :code:`.yaml` accepted) filename_only (bool): Get only the filename get_list (bool): Get the whole list of matching files exact_name (bool): Get the exact name (without adding :code:`*` before and after the given pattern) Returns: Union[AnyPathType, list]: File Example: >>> directory = 'D:/path/to/dir' >>> os.listdir(directory) ["haha.txt", "huhu1.txt", "huhu1.geojson", "hoho.txt"] >>> >>> get_file_in_dir(directory, "huhu") 'D:/path/to/dir/huhu1.geojson' >>> >>> get_file_in_dir(directory, "huhu", extension="txt") 'D:/path/to/dir/huhu1.txt' >>> >>> get_file_in_dir(directory, "huhu", get_list=True) ['D:/path/to/dir/huhu1.txt', 'D:/path/to/dir/huhu1.geojson'] >>> >>> get_file_in_dir(directory, "huhu", filename_only=True, get_list=True) ['huhu1.txt', 'huhu1.geojson'] >>> >>> get_file_in_dir(directory, "huhu", get_list=True, exact_name=True) [] """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.get_file_in_dir( directory, pattern_str, extension, filename_only, get_list, exact_name )
# pylint: disable=E1121
[docs] def hash_file_content(file_content: str, len_param: int = 5) -> str: """ Hash a file into a unique str. Args: file_content (str): File content len_param (int): Length parameter for the hash (length of the key will be 2x this number) Returns: str: Hashed file content Example: >>> read_json("path/to/json.json") {"A": 1, "B": 2} >>> >>> hash_file_content(str(file_content)) "d3fad5bdf9" """ hasher = hashlib.shake_256() hasher.update(str.encode(file_content)) return hasher.hexdigest(len_param)
[docs] def is_writable(dir_path: AnyPathStrType): """ .. deprecated:: 1.30.0 Import it from :py:mod:`sertit.path` instead of :py:mod:`sertit.files` Determine whether the directory is writeable or not. Args: dir_path (AnyPathStrType): Directory path Returns: bool: True if the directory is writable """ logs.deprecation_warning( "This function is deprecated. Import it from 'sertit.path' instead of 'sertit.files'" ) return path.is_writable(dir_path)