Source code for sertit.xml

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2024, SERTIT-ICube - France,
# This file is part of sertit-utils project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
""" Tools concerning XML management, simplifying lxml.etree """
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Callable

from lxml.etree import (
from lxml.html.builder import E

from sertit import AnyPath, files, path
from sertit.logs import SU_NAME
from sertit.misc import ListEnum
from sertit.types import AnyPathStrType

UTF_8 = "UTF-8"

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(SU_NAME)

[docs] def read(xml_path: AnyPathStrType) -> _Element: """ Read an XML file, even stored on the cloud Args: path (AnyPathStrType): Path to the XML file Returns: _Element: XML Root """ xml_path = AnyPath(xml_path) try: if path.is_cloud_path(xml_path): try: # Try using read_text (faster) root = fromstring(xml_path.read_text()) except ValueError: # Try using read_bytes # Slower but works with: # {ValueError}Unicode strings with encoding declaration are not supported. # Please use bytes input or XML fragments without declaration. root = fromstring(xml_path.read_bytes()) else: # pylint: disable=I1101: # Module 'lxml.etree' has no 'parse' member, but source is unavailable. xml_tree = parse(str(xml_path)) root = xml_tree.getroot() except XMLSyntaxError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid metadata XML for {xml_path}!") return root
[docs] def read_archive(path: AnyPathStrType, regex: str = None) -> _Element: """ Read an XML file from inside an archive (zip or tar) Convenient duplicate of :code:`files.read_archived_xml` Manages two cases: - complete path to an XML file stored inside an archive. In this case the filetree from inside the archive should be separated with a :code:`!`. Don't need to start with zip or tar - path to the archive plus a regex looking inside the archive. Duplicate behaviour to :py:func:`files.read_archived_xml` Args: path (AnyPathStrType): Path to the XML file, stored inside an archive or path to the archive itself regex (str): Optional. If specified, the path should be the archive path and the regex should be the key to find the XML file inside the archive. Returns: _Element: XML Root """ try: if not regex: path, basename = str(path).split("!") regex = basename if path.startswith("zip://") or path.startswith("tar://"): path = path[5:] return files.read_archived_xml(path, regex) except XMLSyntaxError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid metadata XML for {path}!")
[docs] def write(xml: _Element, path: str) -> None: """ Write an Element to disk Args: xml (_Element): XML root path (str): Path where to write the XML file """ ElementTree(xml).write(str(path), pretty_print=True)
[docs] def add(el: _Element, field: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Add in place a field to a given element Args: el (_Element): Element to complete field (str): New field value: Value to set """ el.append(E(field, str(value)))
[docs] def remove(xml: _Element, field: str) -> None: """ Remove in place field from a :code:`lxml _Element` Args: xml (_Element): Root XML field (str): Field to remove """ [el.getparent().remove(el) for el in xml.iterfind(f".//{field}")]
[docs] def update_attrib(xml: _Element, field: str, attribute: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Update in place an attribute of a field with a given value Args: xml (_Element): Root XML field (str): Field to update attribute (str): Attribute to update value (Any): Value to set """ [el.attrib.update({attribute: str(value)}) for el in xml.iterfind(f".//{field}")]
[docs] def update_txt(xml: _Element, field: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Update in place a text of a field Args: xml (_Element): Root XML field (str): Field to update value (Any): Value to set """ try: xml.find(f".//{field}").text = str(value) except AttributeError: LOGGER.warning(f"Not existing {field} in XML!") pass
[docs] def update_txt_fct(xml: _Element, field: str, fct: Callable) -> None: """ Update in place a text of a field by applying a function to the value of the given field Args: xml (_Element): Root XML field (str): Field to update fct (Callable): Function to apply """ try: elem = xml.find(f".//{field}") value = elem.text elem.text = str(fct(value)) except AttributeError: LOGGER.warning(f"Not existing {field} in XML!") pass
[docs] def convert_to_xml(src_ds: Any, attributes: list) -> _Element: """ Convert any dataset containing the given attributes to :code:`lxml _Element` (i.e. netcdf dataset) Args: src_ds (Any): Any dataset containing the given attribute list attributes(list): List of attributes to set in the wanted XML Returns: _Element: Wanted XML """ # Create XML attributes global_attr = [] for attr in attributes: if hasattr(src_ds, attr): # Get it formatted val = getattr(src_ds, attr) if isinstance(val, ListEnum): str_val = val.value elif isinstance(val, datetime): str_val = val.isoformat() else: try: # gpd, pd... val = val.iat[0] except AttributeError: pass str_val = str(val) global_attr.append(E(attr, str_val)) xml =*global_attr) xml_el = fromstring( tostring(xml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding=UTF_8) ) return xml_el
[docs] def dict_to_xml(dict_to_cv: dict, attributes: list = None) -> _Element: """ Convert any dict containing the given attributes to a :code:`lxml _Element`. Replacements in keys: - :code:`" "` to :code:`"_"` - :code:`"("` to :code:`"_"` - :code:`")"` to :code:`""` Args: dict_to_cv (Any): Dict to convert into a XML attributes(list): List of attributes to set in the wanted XML Returns: _Element: Wanted XML """ # Create XML attributes global_attr = [] if attributes is None: attributes = dict_to_cv.keys() for attr in attributes: val = dict_to_cv.get(attr) if val is not None: # Get it formatted if isinstance(val, ListEnum): str_val = val.value elif isinstance(val, datetime): str_val = val.isoformat() else: try: # gpd, pd... val = val.iat[0] except AttributeError: pass str_val = str(val) global_attr.append( E(attr.replace(" ", "_").replace("(", "_").replace(")", ""), str_val) ) xml =*global_attr) xml_el = fromstring( tostring(xml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding=UTF_8) ) return xml_el
[docs] def df_to_xml(src_ds: Any) -> _Element: """ Convert a :code:`pandas.DataFrame` or similar (which has a :code:`.to_xml()` function) to a :code:`lxml _Element` Args: src_ds: Returns: _Element: Wanted XML """ return fromstring(bytes(src_ds.to_xml(index=False), UTF_8))
[docs] def to_string(xml: _Element) -> str: """ Convert XML root to string Args: xml (_Element): Root XML Returns: str: XML as a string """ return tostring( xml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding=UTF_8 ).decode(UTF_8)