Raster tools
You can use this only if you have installed sertit[full] or sertit[rasters_rio]
Module Attributes
Allows a function to ingest AnyRasterType and convert it into a rasterio.DatasetReader: |
Returns |
Collocate two georeferenced arrays: forces the other raster to be exactly georeferenced onto the reference raster by reprojection. |
Cropping a dataset: setting nodata outside of the given shapes AND cropping the raster to the shapes extent. |
Get nodata mask from a masked array. |
Get the image path from a |
Get the extent of a raster as a |
Get real footprint of the product (without nodata, in french == emprise utile) |
Get the new shape (height, width) of a resampled raster. |
Get default nodata value from any given dtype. |
Get the nodata vector of a raster as a vector. |
Get the valid data of a raster as a vector. |
Get a window from any type of input |
Compute the hillshade of a DEM from an azimuth and elevation angle (in degrees). |
Masking a dataset: setting nodata outside of the given shapes, but without cropping the raster to the shapes extent. |
Merge rasters as a GeoTiff. |
Merge rasters as a VRT. |
Rasterize a vector into raster format. |
Read a raster dataset from a |
Read bit arrays as a succession of binary masks (sort of read a slice of the bit mask, slice number bit_id) |
Reproject a raster to match the resolution, projection, and region of another raster. |
Sieving, overloads rasterio function with raster shaped like (1, h, w). |
Compute the slope of a DEM (in degrees). |
Function found here |
Basic metadata update from a numpy array. |
Vectorize a raster to get the class vectors. |
Write raster to disk (encapsulation of rasterio's function) |