Source code for sertit.vectors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2023, SERTIT-ICube - France,
# This file is part of sertit-utils project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Vectors tools

You can use this only if you have installed sertit[full] or sertit[vectors]
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Generator, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cloudpathlib import AnyPath, CloudPath
from cloudpathlib.exceptions import AnyPathTypeError
from fiona._err import CPLE_AppDefinedError
from fiona.errors import UnsupportedGeometryTypeError

from sertit import files, misc, strings

    import geopandas as gpd
    from shapely import wkt
    from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon, box
except ModuleNotFoundError as ex:
    raise ModuleNotFoundError(
        "Please install 'geopandas' to use the rasters package."
    ) from ex

from sertit.logs import SU_NAME

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(SU_NAME)

WGS84 = "EPSG:4326"

[docs]def corresponding_utm_projection(lon: float, lat: float) -> str: """ Find the EPSG code of the UTM projection from a lon/lat in WGS84. .. code-block:: python >>> corresponding_utm_projection(lon=7.8, lat=48.6) # Strasbourg 'EPSG:32632' Args: lon (float): Longitude (WGS84) lat (float): Latitude (WGS84) Returns: str: EPSG string """ # EPSG code begins with 32 # Then 6 if north, 7 if south -> (np.sign(lat) + 1) / 2 * 100 == 1 if lat > 0 (north), 0 if lat < 0 (south) # Then EPSG code with usual formula np.floor((180 + lon) / 6) + 1) epsg = int(32700 - (np.sign(lat) + 1) / 2 * 100 + np.floor((180 + lon) / 6) + 1) return f"EPSG:{epsg}"
[docs]def from_polygon_to_bounds( polygon: Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon] ) -> (float, float, float, float): """ Convert a :code:`shapely.polygon` to its bounds, sorted as :code:`left, bottom, right, top`. .. code-block:: python >>> poly = Polygon(((0., 0.), (0., 1.), (1., 1.), (1., 0.), (0., 0.))) >>> from_polygon_to_bounds(poly) (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) Args: polygon (MultiPolygon): polygon to convert Returns: (float, float, float, float): left, bottom, right, top """ left = polygon.bounds[0] # xmin bottom = polygon.bounds[1] # ymin right = polygon.bounds[2] # xmax top = polygon.bounds[3] # ymax assert left < right assert bottom < top return left, bottom, right, top
[docs]def from_bounds_to_polygon( left: float, bottom: float, right: float, top: float ) -> Polygon: """ Convert the bounds to a :code:`shapely.polygon`. .. code-block:: python >>> poly = from_bounds_to_polygon(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) >>> print(poly) 'POLYGON ((1 0, 1 1, 0 1, 0 0, 1 0))' Args: left (float): Left coordinates bottom (float): Bottom coordinates right (float): Right coordinates top (float): Top coordinates Returns: Polygon: Polygon corresponding to the bounds """ return box(min(left, right), min(top, bottom), max(left, right), max(top, bottom))
[docs]def get_geodf( geometry: Union[Polygon, list, gpd.GeoSeries], crs: str ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get a GeoDataFrame from a geometry and a crs .. code-block:: python >>> poly = Polygon(((0., 0.), (0., 1.), (1., 1.), (1., 0.), (0., 0.))) >>> geodf = get_geodf(poly, crs=WGS84) >>> print(geodf) geometry 0 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, 0.00000 1.00000, 1.... Args: geometry (Union[Polygon, list]): List of Polygons, or Polygon or bounds crs (str): CRS of the polygon Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: Geometry as a geodataframe """ if isinstance(geometry, list): if isinstance(geometry[0], Polygon): pass else: try: geometry = [from_bounds_to_polygon(*geometry)] except TypeError as ex: raise TypeError( "Give the extent as 'left', 'bottom', 'right', and 'top'" ) from ex elif isinstance(geometry, Polygon): geometry = [geometry] elif isinstance(geometry, gpd.GeoSeries): geometry = geometry.geometry else: raise TypeError("geometry should be a list or a Polygon.") return gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=geometry, crs=crs)
[docs]def set_kml_driver() -> None: """ Set KML driver for Fiona data (use it at your own risks !) .. code-block:: python >>> path = "path/to/kml.kml" >>> gpd.read_file(path) fiona.errors.DriverError: unsupported driver: 'LIBKML' >>> set_kml_driver() >>> gpd.read_file(path) Name ... geometry 0 CC679_new_AOI2_3 ... POLYGON Z ((45.03532 32.49765 0.00000, 46.1947... [1 rows x 12 columns] """ import fiona drivers = fiona.drvsupport.supported_drivers if "LIBKML" not in drivers: drivers["LIBKML"] = "rw" if "KML" not in drivers: # Just in case drivers["KML"] = "rw"
[docs]def get_aoi_wkt( aoi_path: Union[str, CloudPath, Path], as_str: bool = True ) -> Union[str, Polygon]: """ Get AOI formatted as a WKT from files that can be read by Fiona (like shapefiles, ...) or directly from a WKT file. The use of KML has been forced (use it at your own risks !). See: It is assessed that: - only **one** polygon composes the AOI (as only the first one is read) - it should be specified in lat/lon (WGS84) if a WKT file is provided .. code-block:: python >>> path = "path/to/vec.geojson" # OK with ESRI Shapefile, geojson, WKT, KML... >>> get_aoi_wkt(path) 'POLYGON Z ((46.1947755465253067 32.4973553439109324 0.0000000000000000, 45.0353174370802520 32.4976496856158974 0.0000000000000000, 45.0355748149750283 34.1139970085580018 0.0000000000000000, 46.1956059695554089 34.1144793800670882 0.0000000000000000, 46.1947755465253067 32.4973553439109324 0.0000000000000000))' Args: aoi_path (Union[str, CloudPath, Path]): Absolute or relative path to an AOI. Its format should be WKT or any format read by Fiona, like shapefiles. as_str (bool): If True, return WKT as a str, otherwise as a shapely geometry Returns: Union[str, Polygon]: AOI formatted as a WKT stored in lat/lon """ aoi_path = AnyPath(aoi_path) if not aoi_path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"AOI file {aoi_path} does not exist.") if aoi_path.suffix == ".wkt": try: with open(aoi_path, "r") as aoi_f: aoi = wkt.load(aoi_f) except Exception as ex: raise ValueError("AOI WKT cannot be read") from ex else: try: # Open file aoi_file = read(aoi_path, crs=WGS84) # Get envelope polygon geom = aoi_file["geometry"] if len(geom) > 1: LOGGER.warning( "Your AOI contains several polygons. Only the first will be treated !" ) polygon = geom[0].convex_hull # Convert to WKT aoi = wkt.loads(str(polygon)) except Exception as ex: raise ValueError("AOI cannot be read by Fiona") from ex # Convert to string if needed if as_str: aoi = wkt.dumps(aoi) LOGGER.debug("Specified AOI in WKT: %s", aoi) return aoi
[docs]def get_wider_exterior(vector: gpd.GeoDataFrame) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Get the wider exterior of a MultiPolygon as a Polygon Args: vector (gpd.GeoDataFrame): Polygon to simplify Returns: vector: gpd.GeoDataFrame: Wider exterior """ # Get the footprint max (discard small holes stored in other polygons) wider = vector[vector.area == np.max(vector.area)] # Only select the exterior of this footprint(sometimes some holes persist) if not wider.empty: poly = Polygon(list(wider.exterior.iat[0].coords)) wider = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[poly], # Resets index as we only got one polygon left which should have index 0 wider.reset_index(inplace=True) return wider
def _to_polygons(val: Any) -> Polygon: """ Convert to polygon (to be used in pandas) -> convert the geometry column Args: val (Any): Pandas value that has a "coordinates" field Returns: Polygon: Pandas value as a Polygon """ # Donut cases if len(val["coordinates"]) > 1: poly = Polygon(val["coordinates"][0], val["coordinates"][1:]) else: poly = Polygon(val["coordinates"][0]) pass return poly
[docs]def shapes_to_gdf(shapes: Generator, crs: str) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Convert rasterio shapes to geodataframe Args: shapes (Generator): Shapes from rasterio crs: Wanted CRS of the vector. If None, using naive or origin CRS. Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: Shapes as a GeoDataFrame """ # Convert results to pandas (because of invalid geometries) and save it pd_results = pd.DataFrame(shapes, columns=["geometry", "raster_val"]) if not pd_results.empty: # Convert to proper polygons(correct geometries) pd_results.geometry = pd_results.geometry.apply(_to_polygons) # Convert to geodataframe with correct geometry gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd_results, geometry=pd_results.geometry, crs=crs) # Return valid geometries gdf = make_valid(gdf) return gdf
[docs]def read( path: Union[str, CloudPath, Path], crs: Any = None, archive_regex: str = None ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Read any vector: - if KML: sets correctly the drivers and open layered KML (you may need :code:`ogr2ogr` to make it work !) - if archive (only zip or tar), use a regex to look for the vector inside the archive. You can use this `site <>`_ to build your regex. - if GML: manages the empty errors .. code-block:: python >>> # Usual >>> path = 'D:/path/to/vector.geojson' >>>, crs=WGS84) Name ... geometry 0 Sentinel-1 Image Overlay ... POLYGON ((0.85336 42.24660, -2.32032 42.65493,... >>> # Archive >>> arch_path = 'D:/path/to/' >>>, archive_regex=r".*map-overlay.kml") Name ... geometry 0 Sentinel-1 Image Overlay ... POLYGON ((0.85336 42.24660, -2.32032 42.65493,... Args: path (Union[str, CloudPath, Path]): Path to vector to read. In case of archive, path to the archive. crs: Wanted CRS of the vector. If None, using naive or origin CRS. archive_regex (str): [Archive only] Regex for the wanted vector inside the archive Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: Read vector as a GeoDataFrame """ tmp_dir = None arch_vect_path = None try: path = AnyPath(path) # Load vector in cache if needed (geopandas do not use correctly S3 paths for now) if isinstance(path, CloudPath): tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() if path.suffix == ".shp": # Download everything to disk for shp_file in path.parent.glob(path.with_suffix(".*").name): cached_path = shp_file.download_to( if cached_path.suffix == ".shp": path = cached_path else: path = AnyPath(path.fspath) # Manage archive case if path.suffix in [".tar", ".zip"]: prefix = path.suffix[-3:] file_list = files.get_archived_file_list(path) try: regex = re.compile(archive_regex) arch_vect_path = list(filter(regex.match, file_list))[0] if isinstance(path, CloudPath): vect_path = f"{prefix}+{path}!{arch_vect_path}" else: vect_path = f"{prefix}://{path}!{arch_vect_path}" except IndexError: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Impossible to find vector {archive_regex} in {files.get_filename(path)}" ) elif path.suffixes == [".tar", ".gz"]: raise TypeError( ".tar.gz files are too slow to read from inside the archive. Please extract them instead." ) else: vect_path = str(path) except AnyPathTypeError: vect_path = str(path) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Non existing file: {path}") # Open vector try: # Discard some weird error concerning a NULL pointer that outputs a ValueError (as we already except it) fiona_logger = logging.getLogger("fiona") fiona_logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # Manage KML driver if vect_path.endswith(".kml"): vect = _read_kml(vect_path, path, arch_vect_path, tmp_dir) else: vect = gpd.read_file(vect_path) # Manage naive geometries if and crs: vect = vect.to_crs(crs) # Set fiona logger back to what it was fiona_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) except (ValueError, UnsupportedGeometryTypeError) as ex: # Do not print warning for null layer if "Null layer" not in str(ex): LOGGER.warning(ex) vect = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[], crs=crs) except CPLE_AppDefinedError as ex: # Needs ogr2ogr here if shutil.which("ogr2ogr"): # Open as geojson if not tmp_dir: tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() vect_path_gj = ogr2geojson(path,, arch_vect_path) vect = gpd.read_file(vect_path_gj) = None else: # Do not print warning for null layer if "Null layer" not in str(ex): LOGGER.warning(ex) vect = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[], crs=crs) # Clean if tmp_dir: tmp_dir.cleanup() return vect
def _read_kml( vect_path: str, path: Union[str, CloudPath, Path], arch_vect_path: str = None, tmp_dir=None, ) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """ Reader of KML data Args: vect_path (str): Resolved vector path (rteadable by geopandas, not on cloud etc.) path (Union[str, CloudPath, Path]): Path to vector to read. In case of archive, path to the archive. arch_vect_path: If archived vector, archive path tmp_dir: Returns: gpd.GeoDataFrame: KML as a geopandas GeoDataFrame """ set_kml_driver() vect = gpd.GeoDataFrame() # Document tags in KML file are separate layers for GeoPandas. # When you try to get the KML content, you actually get the first layer. # So you need for loop for iterating over layers. # import fiona for layer in fiona.listlayers(vect_path): try: vect_layer = gpd.read_file(vect_path, driver="KML", layer=layer) if not vect_layer.empty: # KML files are always in WGS84 (and does not contain this information) = WGS84 vect = pd.concat([vect, vect_layer]) except ValueError: pass # Except Null Layer # Workaround for archived KML -> they may be empty # Convert KML to GeoJSON # Needs ogr2ogr here if vect.empty: if shutil.which("ogr2ogr"): # Open the geojson if not tmp_dir: tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() vect_path_gj = ogr2geojson(path,, arch_vect_path) vect = gpd.read_file(vect_path_gj) else: # Try reading it in a basic manner LOGGER.warning( "Missing `ogr2ogr` in your PATH, your KML may be incomplete. " "(KML files can contain unsupported data structures, nested folders etc.)" ) try: vect = gpd.read_file(vect_path) except Exception: # Force set CRS to empty vector = WGS84 return vect
[docs]def ogr2geojson( path: Union[str, CloudPath, Path], out_dir: Union[str, CloudPath, Path], arch_vect_path: str = None, ) -> str: """ Wrapper of ogr2ogr function, converting the input vector to GeoJSON. Args: path (Union[str, CloudPath, Path]): Path to vector to read. In case of archive, path to the archive. out_dir (Union[str, CloudPath, Path]): Output directory arch_vect_path: If archived vector, archive path Returns: str: Converted file """ assert shutil.which("ogr2ogr") # Needs ogr2ogr here out_dir = str(out_dir) if path.suffix == ".zip": with zipfile.ZipFile(path, "r") as zip_ds: vect_path = zip_ds.extract(arch_vect_path, out_dir) elif path.suffix == ".tar": with, "r") as tar_ds: tar_ds.extract(arch_vect_path, out_dir) vect_path = os.path.join(out_dir, arch_vect_path) else: vect_path = str(path) vect_path_gj = os.path.join( out_dir, os.path.basename(vect_path).replace(files.get_ext(vect_path), "geojson"), ) cmd_line = [ "ogr2ogr", "-fieldTypeToString DateTime", # Disable warning "-f GeoJSON", strings.to_cmd_string(vect_path_gj), # dst strings.to_cmd_string(vect_path), # src ] try: misc.run_cli(cmd_line) except RuntimeError as ex: raise RuntimeError(f"Something went wrong with ogr2ogr: {ex}") from ex return vect_path_gj
[docs]def make_valid(gdf: gpd.GeoDataFrame, verbose=False) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: try: geos_logger = logging.getLogger("shapely.geos") previous_level = geos_logger.level if verbose: logging.debug("Invalid geometries:\n" f"\t{gdf[~gdf.is_valid]}") else: geos_logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # Discard self-intersection and null geometries from shapely.validation import make_valid gdf.geometry = gdf.geometry.apply(make_valid) if not verbose: geos_logger.setLevel(previous_level) except ImportError: import shapely LOGGER.warning( f"make_valid not available in shapely (version {shapely.__version__} < 1.8). " f"The obtained vector may be broken !" ) return gdf