Source code for sertit.xml

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2023, SERTIT-ICube - France,
# This file is part of sertit-utils project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""" Tools concerning XML management, simplifying lxml.etree """
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Union

from cloudpathlib import AnyPath, CloudPath
from lxml.etree import (
from lxml.html.builder import E

from sertit import files
from sertit.logs import SU_NAME
from sertit.misc import ListEnum

UTF_8 = "UTF-8"

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(SU_NAME)

[docs]def read(path: Union[str, Path, CloudPath]) -> _Element: """ Read an XML file, even stored on the cloud Args: path (Union[str, Path, CloudPath]): Path to the XML file Returns: _Element: XML Root """ path = AnyPath(path) try: if isinstance(path, CloudPath): try: # Try using read_text (faster) root = fromstring(path.read_text()) except ValueError: # Try using read_bytes # Slower but works with: # {ValueError}Unicode strings with encoding declaration are not supported. # Please use bytes input or XML fragments without declaration. root = fromstring(path.read_bytes()) else: # pylint: disable=I1101: # Module 'lxml.etree' has no 'parse' member, but source is unavailable. xml_tree = parse(str(path)) root = xml_tree.getroot() except XMLSyntaxError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid metadata XML for {path}!") return root
[docs]def read_archive(path: Union[str, Path, CloudPath], regex: str = None) -> _Element: """ Read an XML file from inside an archive (zip or tar) Convenient duplicate of :code:`files.read_archived_xml` Manages two cases: - complete path to an XML file stored inside an archive. In this case the filetree from inside the archive should be separated with a :code:`!`. Don't need to start with zip or tar - path to the archive plus a regex looking inside the archive. Duplicate behaviour to :code:`files.read_archived_xml` Args: path (Union[str, Path, CloudPath]): Path to the XML file, stored inside an archive or path to the archive itself regex (str): Optional. If specified, the path should be the archive path and the regex should be the key to find the XML file inside the archive. Returns: _Element: XML Root """ try: if not regex: path, basename = str(path).split("!") regex = basename if path.startswith("zip://") or path.startswith("tar://"): path = path[5:] return files.read_archived_xml(path, regex) except XMLSyntaxError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid metadata XML for {path}!")
[docs]def write(xml: _Element, path: str) -> None: """ Write an Element to disk Args: xml (_Element): XML root path (str): Path where to write the XML file """ ElementTree(xml).write(str(path), pretty_print=True)
[docs]def add(el: _Element, field: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Add in place a field to a given element Args: el (_Element): Element to complete field (str): New field value: Value to set """ el.append(E(field, str(value)))
[docs]def remove(xml: _Element, field: str) -> None: """ Remove in place field from a lxml _Element Args: xml (_Element): Root XML field (str): Field to remove """ [el.getparent().remove(el) for el in xml.iterfind(f".//{field}")]
[docs]def update_attrib(xml: _Element, field: str, attribute: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Update in place an attribute of a field with a given value Args: xml (_Element): Root XML field (str): Field to update attribute (str): Attribute to update value (Any): Value to set """ [el.attrib.update({attribute: str(value)}) for el in xml.iterfind(f".//{field}")]
[docs]def update_txt(xml: _Element, field: str, value: Any) -> None: """ Update in place a text of a field Args: xml (_Element): Root XML field (str): Field to update value (Any): Value to set """ try: xml.find(f".//{field}").text = str(value) except AttributeError: LOGGER.warning(f"Not existing {field} in XML!") pass
[docs]def update_txt_fct(xml: _Element, field: str, fct: Callable) -> None: """ Update in place a text of a field by applying a function to the value of the given field Args: xml (_Element): Root XML field (str): Field to update value (Callable): Function to apply """ try: elem = xml.find(f".//{field}") value = elem.text elem.text = str(fct(value)) except AttributeError: LOGGER.warning(f"Not existing {field} in XML!") pass
[docs]def convert_to_xml(src_ds: Any, attributes: list) -> _Element: """ Convert any dataset containing the given attributes to an XML _Element (i.e. netcdf dataset) Args: src_ds (Any): Any dataset containing the given attribute list attributes(list): List of attributes to set in the wanted XML Returns: _Element: Wanted XML """ # Create XML attributes global_attr = [] for attr in attributes: if hasattr(src_ds, attr): # Get it formatted val = getattr(src_ds, attr) if isinstance(val, ListEnum): str_val = val.value elif isinstance(val, datetime): str_val = val.isoformat() else: try: # gpd, pd... val = val.iat[0] except AttributeError: pass str_val = str(val) global_attr.append(E(attr, str_val)) xml =*global_attr) xml_el = fromstring( tostring(xml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding=UTF_8) ) return xml_el
[docs]def dict_to_xml(dict_to_cv: dict, attributes: list = None) -> _Element: """ Convert any dict containing the given attributes to an XML _Element. Replacements in keys: - " " to "_" - "(" to "_" - ")" to "" Args: dict_to_cv (Any): Dict to convert into a XML attributes(list): List of attributes to set in the wanted XML Returns: _Element: Wanted XML """ # Create XML attributes global_attr = [] if attributes is None: attributes = dict_to_cv.keys() for attr in attributes: val = dict_to_cv.get(attr) if val is not None: # Get it formatted if isinstance(val, ListEnum): str_val = val.value elif isinstance(val, datetime): str_val = val.isoformat() else: try: # gpd, pd... val = val.iat[0] except AttributeError: pass str_val = str(val) global_attr.append( E(attr.replace(" ", "_").replace("(", "_").replace(")", ""), str_val) ) xml =*global_attr) xml_el = fromstring( tostring(xml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding=UTF_8) ) return xml_el
[docs]def df_to_xml(src_ds: Any) -> _Element: """ Convert a pd.DataFrame or similar (which has a .to_xml() function) to a lxml _Element Args: src_ds: Returns: _Element: Wanted XML """ return fromstring(bytes(src_ds.to_xml(index=False), UTF_8))
[docs]def to_string(xml: _Element) -> str: """ Convert XMl root to string Args: xml (_Element): Root XML Returns: str: XML as a string """ return tostring( xml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding=UTF_8 ).decode(UTF_8)