
Vectors tools

You can use this only if you have installed sertit[full] or sertit[vectors]


corresponding_utm_projection(lon, lat)

Find the EPSG code of the UTM projection from a lon/lat in WGS84.

from_bounds_to_polygon(left, bottom, right, top)

Convert the bounds to a shapely.polygon.


Convert a shapely.polygon to its bounds, sorted as left, bottom, right, top.

get_aoi_wkt(aoi_path[, as_str])

Get AOI formatted as a WKT from files that can be read by Fiona (like shapefiles, ...) or directly from a WKT file.

get_geodf(geometry, crs)

Get a GeoDataFrame from a geometry and a crs


Get the wider exterior of a MultiPolygon as a Polygon

make_valid(gdf[, verbose])

ogr2geojson(path, out_dir[, arch_vect_path])

Wrapper of ogr2ogr function, converting the input vector to GeoJSON.

read(path[, crs, archive_regex])

Read any vector:


Set KML driver for Fiona data (use it at your own risks !)

shapes_to_gdf(shapes, crs)

Convert rasterio shapes to geodataframe

simplify_footprint(footprint, resolution[, ...])

Simplify footprint.

write(gdf, path, **kwargs)

Write vector to disk, managing the common drivers automatically.