
rasterize(ds: ~typing.Union[str, tuple, ~rasterio.io.DatasetReader], vector: ~typing.Union[~geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, ~pathlib.Path, ~cloudpathlib.cloudpath.CloudPath, str], value_field: str = None, default_nodata: int = 0, default_value: int = 1, **kwargs) -> (<class 'numpy.ma.core.MaskedArray'>, <class 'dict'>)[source]#

Rasterize a vector into raster format.

Note that passing merge_alg = MergeAlg.add will add the vector values to the given a raster

See: https://pygis.io/docs/e_raster_rasterize.html

  • ds (PATH_ARR_DS) – Path to the raster, its dataset, its xarray or a tuple containing its array and metadata

  • vector (Union[gpd.GeoDataFrame, Path, CloudPath, str]) – Vector to be rasterized

  • value_field (str) – Field of the vector with the values to be burnt on the raster (should be scalars). If let to None, the raster will be binary (default_nodata, default_value).

  • default_nodata (int) – Default nodata of the raster (outside the vector in the raster extent)

  • default_value (int) – Used as value for all geometries, if value_field not provided


Rasterized vector and its metadata

Return type:

np.ma.masked_array, dict