- s3_env(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Create S3 compatible storage environment You need to set endpoint url if you use s3 compatible storage since GDAL/Rasterio does not read endpoint url from config file.
This function searches for S3 configuration in many places. It does apply configuration variables precedence, and you might have a use for it. Here is the order of precedence from least to greatest (the last listed configuration variables override all other variables):
AWS profile
Given endpoint_url as function argument
AWS environment variable
- Returns:
decorated function
- Return type:
>>> from sertit.s3 import s3_env >>> from sertit import AnyPath >>> @s3_env(endpoint="s3.unistra.fr") >>> def file_exists(path: str): >>> pth = AnyPath(path) >>> print(pth.exists()) >>> file_exists("s3://sertit-geodatastore/GLOBAL/COPDEM_30m/COPDEM_30m.vrt") True